24 April 2005

There is Nothing Like a Dam!

Today's Liz Smith gossip column headline in the New York Post is priceless. Regular readers will understand why. Okay, so if you don't read this today the link will not take you to the right article, and you'll have to go searching around the New York Post's archives. Stop complaining! You've obviously got nothing better to do if you're reading this. However, it proves that you should check in with me more regularly than you have done so far, just in case I've got around to posting something as scintillating, interesting and fascinating as this obviously is, because you're still reading. Good grief! I lost interest several lines ago. You're either dedicated or obsessive - probably both, and you certainly have too much thyme on your hands. But if you're still with me I'll now give a piece of advice to would-be graphic artists, of which I'm not one. Don't ever try to paste-up a multipage document the morning after the night before, when you had too many cocktails, three hours of sleep, and didn't make it home, despite knowing that you had to be in your office at 8.00 am on a Sunday morning to carryout the task that you should have finished the day before. It's just not recommended.

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