13 April 2005

Kat Konspiracy

Avid readers of this blog will recall my aversion to "Lloyd Andrew Sir Lord-Webber" and his feline abomination that I mentioned in Annoyances Part II. We've had several happy years without Cats on Broadway (thank goodness "Now and Forever" was just a slogan), then there were those awful orange cat flaps in Central Park (fortunately they disappeared after a few weeks), but the vermin are back, and this time it's not Broadway or the Park that are affected, it's the Internet. I've become increasingly worried about the virtual cat population. The world of bloggery has been infested by these creatures, and today I discovered that they are now armed and dangerous. Thanks, FARB, for your Kitten Kaboodle public safety alert. Alex has posted a lot of cat pictures in recent weeks, and I would list the links to them here, but frankly, life is too short.

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