12 April 2005

It's That Time of the Month Again

It's been a month since I last wrote something on here for the great reading public, so to avoid further criticism of my lack of bloggery from such prolific bloggers as FARB and Alex, and less-prolific ones such as Greg, I'm posting this piece of drivel. Er... that's it, folks. I hope you enjoyed reading. Hey, hang on, this whole typing thing is actually quite easy, and ooh, my mind is now a whirling dervish of ideas that I just want to share with all of you, no matter how bad or inane they might be. Oh, dam! Damn! Dame! I've run out of thyme.


Rob Byrnes said...

That was a cool entry. Mind if I link to it?

Rob Byrnes said...

That was a cool entry. Mind if I link to it?