14 February 2005

The Emperor's New Shower Curtains

Christo and Jeanne-Claude's "The Curtains" in Central Park is a HUGE amount of orange fabric. I'll leave it at that. Okay, so I can't just leave it there. (Is is true that Jeanne-Claude ran up all the curtains on her Singer? With all that money being spent you would have thought that someone would have had the good sense to slap a bit of orange, oops, sorry er... saffron paint on the tacky frame of the "official" "The Curtains" sign. It's all in the details, darling!

The exhibition's existence is drawing huge crowds and it caused nine of us to leave our natural habitat and actually do something on the weekend during daylight. For that, I'm grateful. Table A from Posh had a pleasant stroll then a mavellous brunch at Dorian's on 79th Street, where the Bloody Marys went down so smoothly. We should do it on a regular basis, only cutting out that whole Central Park thingy. Please close the curtains and let us have our park returned to us in proper condition.

PS If the curtains glowed in the dark they would be something worth seeing!

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