25 February 2005

Annoyances - Part II

1. Technology - it will be the end of civilisation as we know it. My new scanner/printer/photocopier that was delivered last Friday has had a technician come by to fix it four times this week. And my beloved fax machine now sounds like a machine gun firing each time it prints out a received transmission. This does not augur well for the new motor-driven racecarts, er... I mean shopping carts that have been introduced at the uptown Fairway. They're great fun.

2. It's late in the afternoon but still nowhere near 5pm.

3. I'm the only member of the staff still here. Note to self: send out memo instructing employees to sign the visitors' book next time they actually show up for work.

4. That damned cat.

5. Anything by Sir Andrew Lord-Webber or whatever he's calling himself this week.

6. Cats.

7. Improper use; of the semi-colon.

8. Fractal geometry.

9. Clients who insist on sending email (especially when it quotes their previous ramblings) when a phonecall would suffice.

10. Having too many annoyances to deal with before 5pm.

1 comment:

Mark said...

You mean the so-called musical? Yes.